Artist-in-residence at school
The class would have the opportunity to have one artist-in-residence at the school. This would happen after the class would select the artist to be invited as a result of reporting on their experiences earlier in the year.

To prepare for this invitation, students would brainstorm from their oral history experiences. A decision-making process would result in the choice of an artist. The interviewer of the artist and his/her team would issue the invitation and generally arrange details with the artist, the class and the school. General questions might start the discussion.

Which artist would we like to invite to work with the whole class?
What makes you want this artist to visit your school?
Would you like to create something of your own in this art form?
What materials will you need?
What math, chemistry, physics or other science information might be useful?

Projected Outcomes

Students will be stimulated to explore their own environments from an art and history perspective. They will have hands-on focused experience encompassing their neighborhoods to city-wide organizations and institutions, the work and lives of artists, living and dead, their own interests and potential as to careers in the arts as artists, or those who make the arts possible as administrators—i.e. supporters of the arts. They will be able to understand the values reflected in
art forms and stylistic choices, selections among materials. They will understand themselves in relationship to their own interests and potential.

The units will meet competencies outlined in Comprehensive Arts Education: Ohio’s Model Competency-based Education Program and standards outlined in National Standards: What Every Young American Should Know and Be Able to Do in the Arts. The units will address Ohio and National Social Studies Standards as well. In meeting these objectives, the units will include the development of language arts competencies. Some are mentioned for the arts and language arts in the sample curriculum elements.

Assessment will include self-evaluation, student evaluation and teacher evaluation. The class will improve its personal and group decision-making process. The areas assessing evidence of individual growth as a result of involvement in this unit include individual written and expressive abilities. The classes will gain information and knowledge about this region’s history by new and useful approaches. Successful completion of the unit includes completion of oral histories, reports, and artwork showing gains in oral and written language arts skills. Finally, the teachers and students will gain a new understanding of and appreciation for this region. Hopefully they will gain knowledge in interesting ways and find a growing awareness of the place of the arts in our daily lives.
